MissionThe mission of the Mississippi Academy of Eye Physicians and Surgeons is to serve the total visual health care needs of the people of Mississippi through public and professional education, member services, and legislative advocacy. The Mississippi Academy of Eye Physicians and Surgeons is dedicated to the public's direct access to an ophthalmologist's care.
Our VisionThe Mississippi Academy of Eye Physicians and Surgeons' goal is to be the leader in promoting visual health and accessible, affordable, quality total eye care for all Mississippians.
Welcome to the Mississippi AcademyofEye Physicians and Surgeons
MAEPS President, Jane E. Kersh, M.D. We Invite YouAs you visit the MAEPS web site, we invite you to learn more about the special training and expertise of an ophthalmologist in the delivery of medical and surgical eye care. The comprehensive ophthalmologist is truly the most highly trained provider of routine eye examinations and all refractive services, including eyeglasses, contact lenses, and corrective corneal surgery, as well as medical or surgical care for eye disease. Vision is important to all of us, and Mississippi's ophthalmologists are dedicated to providing the best possible care for this most valuable sense.
Mississippi Academy of Eye Physicians and Surgeons